Crushing a Strategy Game: A Grueling but Exhilarating 300-Hour Journey

Guys, I finally nailed it! 2 months, 300 hours, and I’ve conquered this game. If you’re into strategy games, this is a must-have.
🕹️ Controls: The strategy’s intense – like playing a game of international chess. Planning 2, 3 steps ahead, sometimes even more. The climax? Coordinating 8 characters to simultaneously take down 5 bosses. Took me a grueling 2 hours, but the feeling of accomplishment? Priceless.
🎨 Graphics: The maps: Each one is a classic. The final map? I’d call it the ultimate challenge. Every new map is like a stunning piece of art, super exciting.
👥 Multiplayer: Characters : there are 8, each with unique abilities. The combo of Teresa, Suleidy, and Afia? Unbeatable. :碰:
📖 Storyline: Plot’s kinda weak though. To be honest, it doesn’t match up to ‘DAVE THE DIVER’ which I played earlier. But for a strategy game, it holds up pretty well.
👎 Cons: Game mechanics can get a bit redundant. Unlocking new characters means revisiting old maps. I get the devs’ point – different experiences with each character, but it can get boring, especially since I clear all enemies on every new map.
But overall, it’s been an unforgettable and exhilarating experience. Loved every minute of it.
Mimimi, you guys are legends. Nobody makes games quite like you.” 👍 Pros:
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Awesome! Strategy games are all about the grind. Your hard work paid off.
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