The game feels pretty nice, but :
1. The good players drop rate is pretty high, prices even higher and the rewards pretty low if you not lucky enough
2. The controls feels pretty delayed , the game run smoothly on my phone but any way there is a time when im waiting 2 seconds for the charecter to put block or attack , 2 seconds that the enemy looks at me, i look at him and then he bitting my ass because the game decided that we wont block today .
3. Loadings, every tuch of a screen you need to wait a couple of seconds for the game to load .
4 . Connection issues, i have a pretty nice internet but every time im entering buttel , left it, get a reward or something it showing the , reconnect page , most of the times it just a fake and not really change anything but some times it makes you loos your progress you did in the battel but you still will lost your energy wich is not enough to play same team for too long in some of the cases
4. The connection with the ps, and the rewards for it .... Works 50/50 some day i enter and it gave me the rewards and some days im visiting mk 11 on my pc 4 times per day and it still no reward or something
Mentioned games

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