The official live broadcast said that it will be officially launched globally on January 10th and it went bankrupt again!

These are the conversations we just had on the official DC channel.  The promise of a global premiere on January 10th has failed again!
The initial launch time was originally said to be launched at the end of 2023, but later the iOS store was written as December 2; and then when December came!  They changed their story and said there would be a live stream explaining everything on December 6th, and the iOS store changed the date from December 2nd to January 10th!
In a live broadcast on December 6, they announced that the game will be officially launched globally on January 10, 2024!
A few days later, someone discovered that the Australian iOS store had changed the launch date to May 5.  At that time, I was still in DC and said that the only regions that might go online on January 10 were the Americas and Europe, and other regions would go online later.  (This dialogue can no longer be found in the official DC and was deleted by them, but the dialogue in the video can prove that I did say these words)
Please note that when watching the video, I reminded you not to use the apk to play games in advance. This is very important!
👎Disadvantages: Their company keeps consuming the expectations of DMC fans around the world, how long can you endure it?
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