Important things about the game’s launch on the 10th!

This is the conversation we just had in the official DC group, and it was confirmed that data transmission will not be provided!
This means that if your country is not within the region where the game will be launched on the 10th, once you use the official apk file to play the game in advance, and you use a pre-registered account, everything is over!
Because data transfer is not provided, when your country's POC is officially launched, your game records and any rewards or even rebate gems received in advance will not be transferred to your country's server!
If you think it doesn't matter, then I will only tell you: playing PVP on a server that is very far away from your own country will become your skill. No matter how good you are, you will be beaten into a piece of shit when faced with network delays!
Official Twitter post on the game’s release date on the 10th:
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