SS3 Crows Corner Community FAQ - Jan 10th

1/10 Corws Corner FAQ
Q:When you have the teleporting tower omen selected, the towers do not respect walls or gaps in the map which can lead to massive backtracking to kill them.  Can this be prevented?
A: This aspect of gameplay randomness is part of what can sometimes make the difficulty spike due to certain random elements. It's also something players need to consider when making choices (securing more rewards means taking on more risks and challenges).
Q:With the addition of an item filter, will it be consistent throughout all seasons or do we have to redo the filter every time a new season starts?
A:  It be consistent throughout all seasons.
Q:Hey, appreciate the content and new season.When will Iris be available for Hero emblem Tokens ?
A:The next Season will introduce the Hero Emblem Exchange for Iris.
Q:Psychic telent has a 0.4% Blur effect for every 1% of Life lost talent.Is 'Life lost' affected by the options in Sealed Life?Ronin telent has a +1% Block Ratio for every 7% of Life lost. This option is affected by the options in 'Sealed Life'.For example, if I am 99% occupied, I get 99/7 = 14% Block Ratio.
A: Sealed Life is considered part of the "Life loss" effects.
Q:Will the pactspirit affix "+% Nightmare monsters drop quantity" affect "Bubble's Drops" in the next season as well or only in this one?
A: Exclusive to this Season.
Q:Recently, lots of people have been having problems with their games stuttering when hovering over items on the ground, in the inventory, or skill tooltips at the bottom of the screen.  Can this bug be looked into?最
A: If it's convenient, please record a video and provide feedback to the mod.
Q:Currently the high end game (Deepspace T8-2 onwards) is highly profitable. The preceding content however is underwhelming and not profitable at all.As an inexperienced player it is difficult for me to keep up with AH prices, personal upgrades and simply trying different things out to learn and improve.Are there any plans to elevate the earlier content's reward levels to enable a more realistic transition into high endgame?
A: Currently, there should be some farming strategies that yield solid returns at low Timemarks. However, these strategies might not be very accessible to new players. Moreover, it's not our intention if you can't keep up with the Auction prices; we will persistently monitor the prices for various Legendary Gear.
Q:In the new help guide, Reap did not mention if it shares a cool down across all sources of reap or each has their own separate cool down. Could you please clarify or maybe even add that into the game help guide?
A:Different Reaping Sources each have their own Reaping cooldown. If there are no changes next Season, we will include this information in the Help section.
Q:At lvl 30 gem, Summon Frost Spirit has base damage of 1613. But their basic skill ( Glacier Ripples ) Effectiveness of added damage at lvl 30 is 268% . Does 268% apply to base damage? If I use Isomorphic Arms and have "Adds 234 - 306 Cold Damage to Spells" would this benefit from a 268% multiplier?Lastly, do skills that minions use themselves ( Glacier Ripples ) benefit from the new skill level changes from this season where they get 6% or 8% more damage?
A: Damage utility applies to base Damage.Yes.Yes, because it's adding Additional Damage to Minions, they will all be affected.
Q:For the overview, I just want to ask if the flame fuel pact spirit works when we open the bubble of a nightmare/chest of aeterna city? Thank you so much.
A: Bubbles are ineffective, Aeterna is effective.
Q:Some core talents are usable by only one hero or hero trait. First we had Moto and summon talents, but minions were absolutely broken for leveling until last season, so everyone ignored this fact. Last season we got Iris and reworked spirit magus; spirit magus talents are completely unusable for everyone but Iris. This season we got Gemma2 rework and Arcanist tree with Frostbitten and Extreme Coldness talents, which are completely unusable for anyone but Gemma2.Should we expect those talents' power moved to hero trait, and talents reworked to be usable by any hero? Or should we expect more hero-specific talents and talent trees to have less options overall?
A: We do hope to make more Heroes available for playing with Summons (Synthetic Troops and Spirit Magus), but there are some design difficulties at the moment, and we are still looking for solutions. As for the Freeze mechanic, since it's a relatively new experiment, we're not expanding its use area for now. However, as Freeze is a fundamental mechanic of Cold Damage, we want all Characters that can utilize ice to be able to experiment with it, so we will be trying more in the future.
Q:It seems like when using fervor it is not reflected on your stat sheet. My question is: Does the 200% critical strike rating you get with Fervor work with Breast Pins increase and in turn increase your minions crit strike rating?
A:Yes it will.
Q:Is there any chance to look at the wall collisions again? like playing rocket jump i'll run into a corner that stops me from jumping anywhere but the opposite of it. if the walls were sloped and corners rounded it would help a lot when running abilities like that. also why do some walls allow you to jump massive gaps but others will prevent you from jumping from upstairs to downstairs.
A: We're doing our best to ensure consistency in player perception. Most walls are within a reasonable perception area, but some stages have this cognitive discrepancy due to special considerations taken during their creation. We will pay more attention to this in future map designs.
Q:Why are there huge lags after 1h of playtime in inventory when you inspect items? Looks like a memory leak issue or something with caching.
A:  If this persistent issue occurs, please record a video and send it privately to our mod.
Q:Why can't we hide the chat completely in the game? Seems a bit strange that you can hide all but one message in the corner. You can make an option to hide all channels except System to get needed information if you get an update soon. Also can you make an option to disable World chat to actually remember that it's disabled after you launch the game.
A: For the next Season, we aim to give players the option to individually toggle the display of messages in all types of chat channels and ensure that these settings remain effective even after restarting the game.
Q:WIll we ever have a way to alternate leveling after our 1st char that is not paid?And can we not have to redo our Timemark quest line every time for every character after the 1st? It just feels like a huge waste of time.
A:There are no plans for this at the moment. The direct upgrade package is just an option for players to Level Up, and it requires having a Character above level 80, and you can only upgrade directly to level 60 (if a Character has already unlocked the Netherrealm Timemark, the next Character can choose to enter from a certain Timemark by consuming a ticket, without necessarily completing the Netherrealm Quest to Unlock the Timemark).
Q:Currently, level 95 is required to open all boards. I think it's measured too high. Even if you can't do other content, the basic installation is completed around 80. It would be better if the board could be fully opened at level 90.
A: We will consider this issue, thank you for your feedback.
Q:I was wondering if a Snowflake Skill Effect could be designed for the new skill Whirlwind Blade, and for Ring of Blades. I feel like this would be a nice opportunity to fit the whole winter theme that Torchlight Infinite currently has going on. You could also do winter-themed weapon skins. If not, this is definitely a missed opportunity to earn revenue for the game.
A: We will gradually add new special effects to skills, so stay expectant.
Q:Is there a limit to how much %Skill Radius someone can have?
A: Not for now.
Q:Will TLI consider lowering the amount of Daily Pulls needed to get the "pity pull"? 
A: We have not set a daily minimum pity pull for draw; as long as the pool exists, this pity pull minimum count will continue to accumulate.
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