Indus Battle Royal CBT

The google form you see in the official page is just a survey conducted by the company. Submitting your form does not guarantee that you'll get the CBT access,  so it's definitely not worth it. The CBT playtest is mainly circulated within the specific community called 'Indus Insider' (YouTubers who are collaborating with Indus to promote the game). But you as a commoner can get access to CBT only by joining the official Discord server of Indus, there they organize weekly events & challenges and if you win they'll give you the "Early asscess to CBT".
As for the global release, the game will definitely be released this year but even the devs don't know the exact date. It completely depends on how well the CBT performs. If the feedback from CBT testers are good and the game performs well then the game will be released within a few months, but if it faces several problems then the global release will also be delayed.
Note: See, it takes lot of time to develope a game. We prefer quality first, so we obviously don't want them to rush and ruin the game. So all i can request for is you'll to be patient.
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Totally agree! Quality is everything in game development. Can't rush greatness.
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