Resident Evil: Revelations, DRM Enigma Protector removed after controversy.

Resident Evil: Revelations has seen the DRM Enigma Protector removed after fierce controversy that had descended on Capcom, expressed by users through the most classic of review bombings via Steam.
The bombardment of negative reviews for older Capcom games has, in short, had the desired effect: the company spoke in a statement of an unspecified error in the latest Revelations update.
The update has therefore been withdrawn pending further developments, although a possible resubmission of the anti-piracy measure, which according to users imposes a number of limitations and affects performance, is not ruled out.
                    An effective solution?
Beyond the inexplicable need to introduce an anti-piracy system within products published several years ago now, it seems that indeed the practice of review bombing is capable of influencing the choices of publishers and developers.
Of course, in the same way it is an improper weapon that on more than one occasion has been used in a very questionable way by particularly vociferous minorities of users.
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