SS3 Crows Corner Community FAQ - Jan 17th

1/17 Corws Corner FAQ
Q: 1.  Does 100% additional deep space drop affect nightmare drops? 2.  We can add options to the map using Netherrealm resonance.  However, if the option disappears when entering a nightmare, does it have any effect on the nightmare?  (dorp andQuantity) 3.  I would like to know exactly what options affect nightmares.I'm quickly spinning normal 8-4 just to farm nightmare. A: 1. yes,it does 2. no effect 3. Nightmare is only affected by the Timemark bonus and the Deep Space Bonus.
Q:The Realms' ring has '50% of the increase/decrease on Fire, Lightning, and Cold Damage is also applied to the Erosion Damage' line.  How does it work with general and %elemental damage?  I.e. if I have 10% (elemental) damage will this ring give me, 0%, 5% or 15% erosion damage? A:Currently, it's at 0%, which is an issue. We will correct this in a future update.
Q:What is the interaction with + spell/skill past lvl 30.  I've read 6% additional dmg (stacking) and I think I read 6% additional dmg (multiplicative) in patch notes.Which one is it? A:For non-Summon skills above level 30, each additional level grants +6% multiplicative damage.
Q:What effects drops like "Immolating flame".  Do things like quantity/seasonal content or pacts work?
A:Only the Kong‘s Drop of Fluorescent Memory Shards has a chance to double.
Q:Do you plan to uncap the damage of a single hit?  Right now because of the 100b cap slow attacking builds are way weaker than builds that attack multiple times a second which lowers build diversity. A:We have been discussing this issue internally and have not yet reached a definitive conclusion. We aim to make some changes in the next Season.
Q:Any chance of having a Region price for season pass?  i mean, for BRs 1 dollar is 5x ours currency, so to be able to buy a season pass i need to work for 2 days and save every single cent.
A:There are no plans for adjustments at this time.
Q:There seems to be an undocumented change with ignite and normal reaps.  Reap will only calculate the damage from one ignite stack even if you have multiple ignites on the target.  For example 4 stacks of ignite deals 100 million damage per second, if you reap (1.25seconds from scorching pulse) it only does around 30 to 31 million dmg.  Isn't 1.25 x 100 = 125 million?  Also tested with reaping agony support, it has 0.236 reap duration and only deals 6 million dmg on a 100 million dot, shouldn't it be 100 x 0.236 = 23.6 million?An ignite dot with 1 stack compared to an ignite dot with 7 stacks will reap for the same amount of damage.  Why?However, if you use reap purification, it will take all stacks of ignites into consideration when calculating the 80%.Why are reap builds now forced into building around reap purification?  What is the point of normal reaps anymore?  If this is unintended, can we get a fix in a reasonable timeframe similar to that of the Variel's Snicker fix.  please.
A:We need to test this as it does not meet our expectations. If this issue indeed exists, we will find a way to fix it.
Q:What happens if you have more than 100% elemental penetration? Will this result in more damage if we have 150% elemental penetration.
A:Penetration can achieve negative values, functioning similarly to reducing resistance. For example, if you Penetrate an enemy with 75% Resistance by 100%, their Resistance will be treated as -25%, which will increase the damage they take.
Q:Could you start displaying minion attack/cast speed?  Also with isomorphic arms.Currently in a season Lethal Flash's Last hero trait "Desperate measure" additional damage multiplier per bullet spent does not apply for ailments.  I wonder if its an outcome of an undocumented nerf, bug or bugfix and it shouldn't work for ailments in the first place.
A:We will continue to add more panel information for Minions."Desperate Measure" is indeed not working correctly with Ailments, which is a bug. We are analyzing the issue and attempting to fix it.
Q:Can we know what additional flame fuel drop quantity means?  if i have x10 fe drop and 120% additional flame fuel drop quantity (maxed chalk),Does it mean I should be seeing 22fe drops (x10/x10/x1/x1)?Or I'm supposed to get 1 more fe drop(100%) of any kind and a 20% chance to get 1 more fe to drop?
A:Hunter can get 1 more fe drop(100%) of any kind and a 20% chance to get 1 more fe to drop.
Q:Does flame fuel drop quantity mean any fuel?  if i have 1 flame sand to drop, does the additional chance allow it to drop fe instead of sand?  or if i drop 1 sand, the additional flame drop has to be sand too
1. yes
2. yes, it does allowed
3. no, it will be random fuel
Q:While farming paths of the brave 5, I noticed that sometimes the boss dies in literally 10 seconds, and sometimes I have to beat him for more than a minute.   Of course, there is a difference in damage due to double damage, but it cannot be that huge, and according to observations, the boss receives approximately the same damage.   This happens quite often: 1-2 battles, the boss dies quickly, 1-2 takes a long time, and so everything repeats.   All this made me think that paths of the brave contain hidden modifiers that make combat more difficult, is that true?
A:For the time being, to cater to the experience of players who have just met the strength requirement, when a player dies, the difficulty level buff on them will be cleared. Of course, players might use this as a little trick. We are still considering whether to remove this mechanism.
Q:When trying to ask a question in chat, the 50 character limit is very annoying.  Is there any possibility for this limit to be increased, or alternatively if you go beyond 50 characters could the message be automatically split rather than us having to do it manually
A:We will increase the character to 100 in the future.
Q:While playing this season, I noticed that my HP takes damage even when my energy shield is still remaining.  When I removed all the injury buffer talents and skills, this strange phenomenon stopped.  This did not happen in the previous season and I could not find any patch notes related to this.  I also sent a bug report too.  Is there anything I missed?
A:It's a display issue; in reality, there is no difference from the previous Season. We will fix this display issue as soon as possible.
Q:When mapping in the words of Sonic the Hedgehog I ""Gotta Go Fast"".When I'm juicing a map with Netherrealm Essence, I care very little about the downside and the bad ones are generally on the last press anyway.Is it possible to change from Clicking to add 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.  To just have either a default that you can select, either in a drop down, or an option selection that doesn't go back to zero on a new map, kind of like a trait deck selection or something.  They could be like:Tier 1: 1 NetherrealmTier 2: 3 NetherrealmTier 3: 7 NetherrealmTier 4: 15 NetherrealmTier 5: 31 NetherrealmThis would speed up the initial mapping experience.  I would also like to see the option to lock/unlock which compasses are being used in a ""Use until depleted"" type scenario.I believe this would boost the QoL for players wanting to get into mapping more efficiently allowing them to select a map to run.  It defaults to having max Netherrealm Juice and the Compasses selected that you've been spamming the last 500 maps..
A:Netherrealm Resonance indeed has some inconvenient aspects in terms of user experience, and we are contemplating modifications and enhancements.
Q:1) Do the ""Frostbite chance"" still consider inflicting Frostbite Rating?  Ex. I dealt 5% damage equals to enemy's Life = 10 Frostbite Rating.  If I only have like 25% frostbite chance, does it mean i only have 25% chance to inflict this 10 Frostbite Rating?  Or its guarantee while the enemy was frostbiten? 2) What does ""10 % chance directly inflict Frostbite on hit"" mean?  Ignore the ""1% of Life + ES"" threshold for 2 Frostbite Rating?  Or just another Frostbite chance?"
1. Frostbite Chance determines whether Frostbite status can be applied, not the application of Frostbite Rating. As long as the enemy has the Frostbite status, Frostbite Rating can be inflicted through dealing damage.
2. Essentially, it's another way to apply the Frostbite status, unrelated to Frostbite Rating.
Q:Recently  there's been a nerf on the embers. Will there be any update on Captain Shadow?  with the update of the embers, There's no reason to put captain shadow in the game again
A:We will consider adding new valuable Embers in the future.
Q:Are all the ""chance to xxxxx"" affixes work like multistrike chance?  ex:""50% chance to +2 projectile quantity"", ""75% chance to gain +1 Shadows when using the Shadow Strike skill"", what if those mods exceeded 100%?1 talent + 1 slate, = 150% chance to gain 1 Shadow = guarantee +1 shadow ^ 50% chance for another +1?"
A:In your examples, each Affix is calculated independently for its effectiveness. Generally, descriptions like "+%XX chance" are cumulative, while "% chance to XXXX" are independent. Multistrike follows special rules.
Q:Is there going to be a Preseason every season?   If there are not going to be Preseasons, do you intend to rework the Corgi pact spirit that people spend money on?
A:As per our current plans, there will be a Preseason for each Season. There are no plans to redesign Corgi.
Q:Currently, the Blacksail mechanic is completely underwhelming.  Players are able to get better relics/memories more consistently in other modes (maps, aeterna, dreams, etc.) Ever since you removed the flame fuel and doubling options from whispers, the Blacksail mechanic is next to worthless.  Are there any plans to revert the changes made or rework current options to make Blacksail relevant again?  Or should players just continue to ignore the most unrewarding mechanic available?
A:Going forward, Legendary relics and Memories that drop through other methods will be removed, making the entire Blacksail Gameplay more engaging and attractive.
Q: ①Are there any plans to sell dedicated storage for Currency and Beacon?② Are there any plans to allow individual names to be set for the tabs in basic storage?③Basic storage is currently limited to 20 tabs, but are there any plans to increase the limit in the future?(Path of Exile had these features and they were useful)Lastly, I have been playing since the beta version.  Thank you for implementing SSFHC!  I love you!"
A:Thank you for your suggestion; our team at Recent has also been considering a similar approach. However, due to development schedule constraints, we will need to wait a bit longer.
Q:A few seasons ago there were Trait Deck Cards to increase the chance for Flame Fuel to be upgraded when dropped.  I believe at the time it was explained that all Flame Fuel dropped has a chance to be upgraded and the cards just further increased that chance.The question revolves around the 3x Flame Sand cards still in the deck.  %Chance to Multiply, %Chance for Rare gear to become Flame Sand, %Chance for Rares to drop additional Flame Sand.Can the flame sand dropped by these cards be upgraded to Flame Elementium through game mechanics?"
A:To be frank, we do not think that simply increasing the farming strategy for Flame Elementium is a good idea. Given the unique nature of Flame Elementium as a trade currency, it would lead players to adopt a strategy focused solely on farming Flame Elementium, thereby solidifying the loot farming gameplay. In the long run, we hope players will try various gameplay styles based on their build's characteristics and the treasures they desire. Of course, looking at the current season, the loot farming gameplay in the later stages is not operating ideally, and some gameplay strategies have been disliked by players. We will make improvements in subsequent seasons.
Q:Will you combine the massive loot drops of over 40 Flame Sand for example into a single item to pick up
A:We are considering the option for stackable items to be picked up with a single click. However, due to the progress of the server opening, we cannot guarantee the exact timing of this feature's official implementation.
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Warren j
Warren j
ok, so instead of ENHANCING the gameplay experience by reworking or buffing blacksail, you are removing alternative farming methods to FORCE people into a TERRIBLY UNREWARDING mechanic, that is such huge disconnect from your entire community
when come multiplayer?
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