I must say that I'm deeply disappointed. I had high hopes when I first saw this game and with trailers. I thought this is going to be a refreshment from all the generic MMOs and give us a little bit of new in something, and I'm proven wrong. This game is no different than the other generic MMORPGs and yes this is heavily multiplayer focused with loads of players, NPCs and enemies scattered here and there respawning almost instantly after getting killed. Do not listen to what the other bots say in the review section regarding the game, they're just not true.
One of the biggest flops in the game is the visual aspect. What can I say? It's anything but stunning. Even with extreme image quality and 1080 resolution texture, the grass and vegetation look like paper background objects you see on a high school drama stage. And the terrain do not even react to the touch of your movements even in highest settings. And here we are living in 2024 ... I'm curious to know what cheap/outdated software they used to make this game due to budget limitations.
Even by true Open World standards, it fails to be one. There are various areas within the world map you can't reach without being obstructed by the infamous "invisible wall". You literally have nothing much to do in the "open world" map except accepting monotonous quests and slaying enemies accordingly, which we have seen in 1000 other Chinese cloned MMOs. I doubt this game company knows what it takes to make an actual open world game with immersive elements.
The character customisation in this game is possibly the shallowest and less detailed you will ever see in an MMORPG. It offers you nothing much except changing the shape of your body and a few set of appearance (hair, eyes etc.) styles with a very few color options. Even Angel Legion which is NOT even an MMORPG has a more detailed character customisation setting than Starstride.
And the storyline? It's just another sorry excuse of a junk, very generic, very boring and very less descriptive. Same goes for the combat, full of lackluster and limited number of move-sets. Even most of the animations are poorly done. The running and knock down animations are hilariously bad..
In short, this is just another generic MMORPG with mecha theme slapped onto it and missing most of the elements that qualify a game to fall under the Open World genre. This company should take notes from  Level-Infinite which is another company that makes some of most immersive and visually advanced Open World RPGs you will find on store. The last truly immersive Open World MMO I tried was Chimeraland. Their apocalyptic themed Undawn is a good open world MMO as well which you guys can try over this one ~
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Jack Frost
Jack Frost
finally, an honest review about the game.. u spoke my thoughts 💯
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