Event Reminder: Guild Expedition - Eternal Evolution

Dear Commanders,
The second season of Guild Expedition has started! Now you can defeat Bosses with your guild members to get higher rankings and more rewards in the Leaderboard! Which Boss Cycle your guild has reached? Share a screenshot of your guild Total Damage in the comments and let’s see which guild is the strongest!🤩
🎁Event Rewards:
Exclusive Avatar Frames: Expedition Legend, Expedition Elite, and Expedition Veteran, Gene Evolution Cores, Gene Evolution Core Fragments, Crystal Nucleus Dusts, Soul Potions, Gene Modules, Diamonds, and more.
💡Event Rules:
Gameplay Overview: In the Guild Expedition, players earn rewards by working with other members of their guild to defeat bosses and competing with other guilds to see who can reach the most expedition cycles.
- Cycle Rules-
1.When the event begins, all guilds will start in Expedition Cycle 1.
2.Each cycle has a total of 4 bosses. Players need to defeat these bosses in turn. Guilds that defeat all bosses within the same cycle will advance to the next cycle.
3. In the expedition, the level and difficulty of bosses will increase with the cycle count. The boss type will not change.
- Guild Expedition Ranking Rules -
The Guild Expedition Leaderboard ranks guilds by the number of cycles they have reached. If the cycles reached are the same, guilds are ranked by total damage dealt by all members to bosses. If both the cycles and damage are the same, guilds are ranked by the time they achieved their total damage.
- Reward Rules -
1.Players will receive a fixed challenge reward each time they challenge a boss.
2.When a boss is defeated, all guild members will receive a fixed reward for defeating them. Members who have not challenged the boss will also receive this reward.
3.Rewards will be distributed to all guild members according to guild ranking after the event ends.
⏰Event Time Left: 3 days
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