A unique and fresh 3D Roguelike Survivor RPG game | Gameplay - Artifact Seeker: Prologue

Artifact Seeker: Prologue is the demo of an upcoming 3D Roguelike Survivor RPG game with bullet hell elements called Artifact Seeker. The game features a mix of cel-shaded and cartoon-style visuals, and the core gameplay involves surviving hordes of monsters using various powerful attacks and skills, with a combat system reminiscent of Vampire Survivors but infused with roleplaying and rogue-like mechanics.
As with these arena survival rogue-likes, Combat is dynamic, chaotic, and action-packed, but it only requires players to focus on movement and positioning. Skills and attacks are mostly automated, making it very accessible and non-complex as far as controls go.
Alongside a selection of characters, two of which are playable in the demo, the game allows you to equip up to six skills at a time, each with its unique mechanics and mannerisms. Some are AOE, some spawn randomly, some summon creatures, and some are targeted.
You can come up with some crazy powerful builds and synergies in this game, and it guides you through the process, showing what's synergistic with what, and assisting you as much as possible to avoid confusion about potential synergies and combos. Once I figured out my preferred build, it wasn't very difficult to actually acquire the skills I wanted and just have fun mowing down hordes of enemies.
The demo only features two playable characters and the initial two chapters which can take up to an hour or so to fully complete, more if you keep dying and re-doing it. The full game is just slated as ‘Coming Soon’ on Steam with no clear date yet.
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