After a year the game has become better, devs added a lot of QoL changes and the game has become less laggy, although this game is originally idle,
you can get stuck in it for hours, for example, passing battlefront or gate stages, improving results in guild raids, arena, etc. Not to mention passing "bond" stories with almost all souls.
In my opinion, the world has a rather interesting lore, which opens gradually through the main storyline, Tower of origin or the same bond stories in the style of visual novels
For me the game is f2p friendly and you can get a decent amount of pulls and resources from events and daily activities, also all limited costumes can be obtained for free (during time-limited events).
Also a plus, you choose what style of play, you can rush content with underleveled characters if you like the hardcore style of play, or if you are a casual player just save up idle resources for easier stage progression
Probably like for all games of this type, and for all gacha games in general, it's moments of bad luck and frustration from long progress in the endgame, but it's all subjective
And most importantly, have fun! :)
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