366 Days of Gaming 2024: Day 22

Day 22: Boori's Spooky Tales (Idle RPG)
Platform: Android
I had been looking forward to this for a little while now, even though it's not a genre I typically prefer to play (Idle) but thought I'd give it a go anyway. I found it to be your typical idle RPG, set it and forget it for a bit while you advance a few stages and get currency to upgrade your stats, then rinse and repeat once you find yourself getting killed too easily. Every death sets you back a couple of stages. There are quests to do, but once you get to the 10th one, (they go fast til then) they force you to use premium currently to advance. They've given you some, but I don't like the idea of being forced to use it to advance. There is an option to watch a video to do the task needed, but they won't let you until after you spend the currency. I couldn't back out of that screen and force closed the game, but when I went back, it made everything else inaccessible, and that's where I stopped playing.  I'd like to have played more, but it just rubs me the wrong way when games force me to spend premium currency, especially when it's not even necessary.
I also found it odd that there's a chat box at the bottom of the screen, I'm assuming that will come in to play a little later, since there may be guilds or something, but I didn't get that far. That said, the game requires a persistent internet connection, and you do accumulate non-premium currency and experience while offline.
I do like how the game looks tho, it's cute, and I'm interested in the story even though the intro was pretty vague in regards to it. Maybe I'll give it another try in the future.
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