This game is top
I've played almost every Strategy game there is, from CoK to RoK, To AoT and CoD.. and all on between these (most are just pure copy paste)
This game has it all, think RoK, mixed with an open world RpG mixed with Summoners War and a touch of Fallout Shelter!? Then you get something close to this!
Offline pvp and PvE with heroes
Online real time pvp ships vs ships and PvE with raids bosses and fights over ports
Monsters , NpC enemies , dailies and bullding
YES it's P2W all games are these days! Stop cry about it.. BUT if you spend 24/7 online you can get really strong without spending as well! I'm not one of those so I spend low amount but I'm still among the top 30 and with the strongest guild on server.
Play smart and you will as well
The devs are great and the community is growing each day on discord with events and gift codes among some stuff.
Try it out and you won't be disappointed, I will create a guide video on my YT channel soon as well.. stay tuned!
ID 661117
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