Having so much fun with this game lately although its not the best game, but it's still enjoyable.
👍 Pros: I saw others complaining about how it doesn't have the 'auto' buttons thingy and god I'm glad this game don't have that button. That will only ruin the game that should be fun to play. This type of game have a lighter mood and not very hard in my opinion, the grinding should be focused on the type of equipment we needed, I just don't think its suitable to have auto in this game, this way everytime I have the chance to play I keep having the same amount of fun in it without having the thought to be lazy.
Another good thing I like that the difficulty can increase overtime and it's not overdoing it at some point. It has blockbuster type of attacks, alot of monsters that fill up the spaces and made us have to be smart at dodging, unlike the typical rpg game these days that made us become mindless. Please add new maps with more difficulty and new mechanics if possible though, I think it can improve a bit there. Another good thing is how the weapons charged up attacks are different than the other weapons, made it a bit more fun to try.
👎 Cons: The story is dull and boring though, I tend to skip most of it because its so predictable and tend to be lighter, it might be suitable for under 18 years old. But it's a bit cliche because its just the same old story about a hero saving the world again like every other game. The character are not unique at all unfortunately, there are many newer game with more unique fresh concept than this, I hope developer can get a bit creative, and by creative is not just to change arrows into guns or something like that.
Another thing I don't quiet like is how some of the equipment type are kinda useless or have a little bit effect that becomes meaningless if compared with others, it only makes my inventory full and harder to find the right type we needed. Another bad side of this game is how the connectivity always disconnected every few minutes, eventhough my connection were just great and the game still continue with no lag issue, please fix that ty.
Anyway it's a good game to try ~
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Totally agree on your points about these unique weapon mechanics.
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it's not supposed to be a story driven game.. it's just there for the sake of it.. the whole game is about it's gameplay
hey can u talk to me ?
Chris Schelstra
Chris Schelstra
I also love that there is no auto button I wouldn't play it if it did. it's only season 1 I'm impressed. can't wait to see what they do.
ikr, having auto button will literally ruin the whole gameplay especially the fighting
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