I play this game on Xbox through game pass (definitely was worth my money for the subscription) I personally love this game like it highlights all of the key things that I liked among ark, fortnite, pokemon, genshin impact, and Zelda. They have basically took these key points and combined them all together. It worked out really well for them all things considered.
Now I will list my pros and cons for this game, so others can tell what I mean.
-Open map concept
-battling other pals
-can capture just about anything including humans.
-can build and incubate eggs
-amazing graphics
-your pals can protect and work on your base
-can join other servers, idk if this works on Xbox but definitely works on computer (for hosting you can do it on computer but not on a console.)
-for Xbox it crashes every 30 minutes (currently being fixes so I will not knock them down since based on the server I'm in they are working to fix it. Plus the game just recently got released so Ill give the benefit of the doubt
-no background music which is kinda of a bummer.
-your character glitches (at least for me) so it got stuck as a girl so I really couldn't tell what I selected until it was too late.
-Last con I can think of is that you can't host multiplayer on Xbox so that ending of itself makes me disappointed.
I can go on and on about this game, but I won't to not spoil anything you don't already know. I'm definitely going back to playing this during the weekend so it's Definitely some fun to do when you want to chill, fr fr. I will say it's go at your own pace type thing so it's definitely will be interesting to continue playing and see where my adventure takes me. ♥️
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