Farlight 84 Chapter 2.0 Update: New Space Map, Apex Legends Character Incoming!

The new map, set in the vast expanse of outer space, offers a unique cosmic setting. It’s reminiscent of one of the Apex Legends maps, with capsules scattered across the landscape and a central hub that resembles a power station. The map is dotted with vegetation, rocky formations, and mountains, adding to its visual appeal and strategic gameplay potential. Below are the highlights (Which we know so far) from the game:
Cosmic Setting:
The new map is set in the vast expanse of outer space, offering a unique cosmic setting.
Strategic Gameplay:
Just like the maps in Apex Legends, the new map features bunkers and thermal stations, enhancing strategic gameplay.
Fresh Looting Experience:
The loot crates have undergone significant changes, providing a fresh looting experience.
Dynamic Movement:
It incorporates a new zip line, adding dynamic movement and accessibility across the map.
Tactical Consideration:
The map is dotted with designated falling spots, creating a new tactical consideration ideally suited for trio teams.
Dynamic Game Lobby:
Thanks to the map point of view and layout, the game lobby background dynamically changes to reflect the new map theme.
Vantage Points:
The map includes climbable towers and strategic locations offering vantage points for superior high ground control.
Engaging Team Fights:
Buildings are clustered more closely, facilitating intense and engaging team fights.
Thrilling Encounters:
The map teases the potential appearance of Mech bosses, introducing thrilling and challenging encounters.
New Hero: A Blend of Style and Power:
The new hero is a sight to behold, with a stylish green, white, and yellow outfit and a possible bionic arm. His abilities include shooting green rays and creating clones, reminiscent of Mirage from Apex Legends. We’re eager to learn more about his passive, ultimate, and tactical abilities.
New Loot Crates and Horizon:
There are new crates that you can open, adding to the excitement of the game. The horizon of the zone is pinkish, confirming that this map is indeed set in space.
Are you excited for Farlight 84 Chapter 2.0?
We’re thrilled about the upcoming Chapter 2.0 and can’t wait to hear what you think. Don’t forget to comment your thoughts on the upcoming updates.
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nah it's becoming worse.
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Worse how
New hero and space map sounds good!!
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