2D puzzle platformer with a innovative 'mirror' mechanic | Gameplay - Ugly

Despite the name, Ugly is actually a Beautiful 2D game with excellent art design characterized by moody cartoonish aesthetics and authentic looking classic-style animations.
Gameplay in Ugly revolves around a puzzle-centric approach with 2D platforming elements, wherein players utilizze the innovative 'mirror' mechanic to navigate through challenging puzzle rooms. One button summons the mirror, which in turn summons your mirror image as well. You can summon the mirror horizontally or vertically, which will affect how your mirror image moves.
Moving around the world moves your mirror image inversely on the other side, and with a press of a button you can swap places with it, leading to an interesting platformer experience where you need to pay close attention and utilize your surroundings to reach otherwise unreachable places.
There is a variety of puzzles to solve; some are pure platforming challenges, while others are more interactive or might require some physics or timed element to solve.
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