Reverse: 1999 ~ A Hidden Gem (Review)

After playing the game more and more since launch here i am again making a second review to shed more light on this amazing #MustTry game 🔥.
~•~•~~•~•~•~•~•~•~~•~•~•~•~•~•~~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 🎮 Gameplay & 🤼 Combat Mechanics: The game has a Turn-base gameplay & card system that is very engaging and requires great planning and choosing the correct units together in a team to win the harder battles in story & events (teams of 3-4) each stage, strategy is key in this game. 🎨 Graphics & 🌅 Environmental Design: The game has stunning visual and great ambience with its style that is both shown in the environment as well as the characters design, the design is still breathtaking as more characters have been released, all with unique characteristics and aesthetics.
🌱 Growth & Development: The characters can be developed over time obviously by grinding as is the case with many Gacha games before it, but there are unique systems here as well that keep the process fun and rewarding for players who invest time and effort into their chosen team/ characters, this includes identifying which characters work best with each other and in which situations.
~ Lilya: A Burst/ DPS unit that has great solo target damage with high Crit potential, works best as main DPS or Sup-DPS for the team.
~ Centurion: Burst DPS that has skills that focus on Mass/Group target damage, great as a second DPS choice as well.
~ Dikke: One of the only DPS characters that can also Heal the team which makes this character a great addition to a team ( Damage is great and the heals are actually significant considering it’s a Group Heal).
These are only three of many characters that can be used in teams depending on the advantages they provide in a situation (My favorite three to be exact).
~ Some of the other units (Healers, DPS, Tanks, Debuffers and Buffers… etc) you get the idea, but choose wisely who to invest in 😎🔥.
The game also provides a sort of Base building mechanic if you will and it expands as you play and progress, this comes with its own perks such as generating materials and character bond overtime, the difference base parts can be both earned or purchased from the in-game shop.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 📚 Tutorial & Learning Curve: the game has  stages added that teach you everything about how to engage fights and build teams. Trust me you need to finish these to have a full understanding of what is what, there are multiple incantations/Skills and effects to apply or remove and the tutorials are well designed to teach the player all that, without them the game can be a little confusing or demanding when you don’t know what to do in a situation, Specially the events which can become pretty difficult if not planned for.
🎁 Events & Seasonal Content: very innovative and fun events that have different mechanics to engage other than your casual fights such as Puzzles to solve “detective work”, it is fun and exciting to play these events and try new things with new characters.
~ In-Game Shop/ Bank: (has both real money transactions as well as in-game currency purchases).
~ “Battle”- Pass: you can advance by finishing Daily and weekly tasks and it is fairly easy to reach the end of a pass if you play consistently.
🛍️ In-game Purchases & Pass: now since this is a Gacha game as I previously explained it is bound to be somewhat “pay to win”, but as far as i have seen the game is generous with the rewards at the start of the game as well as the events rewards, though even if it gets more difficult to earn overtime it is still a personal choice here to decide if you want to pay or not (I didn’t and still love the game). ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 🎖️ Progression & 🎩 Loot System: character leveling and progression is somewhat locked behind the “stamina/energy” system as to be expected, the required material are somewhat significant specially when reaching level 50/60+ with your characters, you will feel the grind becoming more demanding which is why I advise getting familiar with which character to investigate before going “All-Out” or you might find yourself lacking materials and resources considering stamina/energy is shared with all stages (Story, Events, Resource farming…etc).
Side-note: many stages will provide a “fast clear” option once you clear them to speed up the process of farming and make it easier.
~ Main event stages unlock with time as the game progresses as well as how you progress with your character, the further u get the harder it becomes.
~ material/ resources farming stages, these are key when you wanna start optimizing your team and character and leveling them up to engage in harder stages.
~ Character level up/Rank up materials, these are specific to each character type and you will farm them when needed to unlock the next Max Level.
~ Artificial Somnambulism, long  name i know! This is a weekly few stages that reset after every week, it provides some engaging combat and decent rewards that you don’t want to miss. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~~•~•~
⚖️ overall opinion and view: i very much still enjoy this game and still play it from launch, my thoughts on the environment and character designs have not changed from my previous review, they are unique and beautiful even with every new update & event releasing still, the music and sounds are beautiful and relaxing, the gameplay is ever changing and exciting with more new characters introducing new mechanics and gameplay potential, all i have to say like last time is that this is a Gacha game at heart so approach at your own risk ⛔️ 🤣.✅
Recommendation : Amazing and a must experience Game if you are a fan of gacha games and classic aesthetics ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.
Mentioned games
Fantastic, underrated game
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Agreed 🔥🔥🔥
agree with your points, especially the combo of graphics & combat. 🔥
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Thank you 🙏🏽
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