<Hero Stories> Here comes our devil cat~ Mew~

Chapter 1: Devil Cat
Once upon a time, there was a kind girl named Sophie. Her father was a wealthy merchant who traveled the world, trading with others. He was also a kind person - he would always bring back little trifles to give to Sophie. Sophie's mother was a gentle and loyal housewife and taught Sophie to be  kind. The stories she told Sophie always inspired her to do good whenever Sophie could.
Sophie lived with her family happily until a black cat appeared, bringing darkness to her home. Sophie didn't know where this cat had came from - there were no clues that pointed to where the cat belonged. Every night, it would perch on her windowsill and gaze at her with a cold look.
At first, Sophie thought it was a stray - she tried to feed it, but the cat ignored the food she gave it and scratched her instead. Sophie decided to leave it alone after that.
Soon after her encounter with the cat, Sophie's mother fell ill. It was an incurable disease that soon took her mother's life. Her father also changed - he no longer gave Sophie gifts when he returned home. Instead, his attention was focused on Sophie's new stepmother and the woman's two daughters. Oddly enough, the cat that had stared at her each night followed the woman around, smirking at Sophie. It was almost like the cat was declaring itself owner of the house...
Chapter 2: Maid Sophie
Reinara, Sophie's new stepmother, didn't treat Sophie like she was her daughter. Instead, she took Sophie's clothes away and tossed a maid outfit at her. Reinara forced Sophie to do all of the dirty work that she could think of.
Obedient, Sophie finished everything that her stepmother told her to do. This further enraged Reinara, who thought that Sophie was unruly and disrespectful.
Furious with Sophie, Reinara took Sophie's room away from her and dedicated it to the black cat instead. From then on, Sophie slept in the cellar. Reinara, seeing Sophie cry in the cellar, was satisfied with how things were.
Sophie's only solace came in the form of three mice living in the cellar. When Sophie was hungry, the mice would steal food for her. When Sophie was angry, the mice would play around until Sophie laughed. Eventually, they became best friends with each other.
The mice warned Sophie that the black cat that was with Reinara was a demon that would bring nothing but bad luck. However, Sophie didn't believe the mice - instead, she told them to not hold anything against the cat and her stepmother. She thought that her stepmother was just disciplining her for not behaving better.
Chapter 3: Cinderella
Reinara's daughters weren't any better than their mother. Tasha was jealous of Sophie's looks, so she ruined Sophie's maid clothes and smeared Sophie's face with cinders. Then, still unsatisfied, she told Sophie that since she was a lowly maid, she should dress accordingly. Being the obedient girl that she was, Sophie smeared her face with cinders whenever they started to come off. The cinders gave her the nickname "Cinderella."
Tasha didn't really have anything against Sophie, but she was more than happy to join her mother and sister in bullying Sophie. They did everything they could to kick Sophie out of the house, just so that they could claim her father's property as theirs. The mice were enraged by this cruelty, but Sophie still blamed herself for not being good enough.
It was this belief that prevented Sophie from being corrupted by the dark. Even the cat was unable to do anything about Sophie's light. Wanting to see Sophie fall into despair, Reinara struck a deal with the black cat. She wanted Sophie's father dead.
Eventually, Reinara was able to get rid of Sophie's father, finally kicking Sophie out of the house.
Chapter 4: Sophie's Adventure
Having been kicked out of the house, Sophie had nothing but her three mice. All she could do was wander about town, helping others whenever she could.
One such person was Anne, a little girl who sold matches. No one wanted to buy Anne's matches, so Sophie and her mice turned Anne's matches into fireworks. Now that they had some flair to them, the matches quickly sold out. Anne wanted Sophie to stay with her, but Sophie was afraid of seeing her stepmother or stepsisters. Since Anne couldn't leave, either, she gave Sophie a box of matches as a sign of gratitude. Anne hoped that the matches would light Sophie's way when all was dark.
From there, Sophie stumbled around with no clear destination. One day, she encountered the carriage that changed her life.
Chapter 5: Crystal Ball
The carriage turned out to be the king's carriage. Sophie stepped out of the way and bowed, but the mice jumped inside.
Chaos ensued - the queen screamed bloody murder and jumped around trying to avoid the mice. The guards were unable to catch the mouse, so Sophie stepped in and got the mice out of the carriage.
Pleased by Sophie's act of courage, the king hired Sophie as a maid and let her move into the palace with her mice companions.
Even though the palace was a huge place, Sophie still managed to keep everything clean. Everyone loved her for her kindness and beauty, including the prince.
Then, the prince hosted a ball. He needed a fiancée, and the ball would be how he found someone to marry. Sophie wanted to go to the ball, but she didn't have a dress that would look pretty enough.
Wanting to help, the mice visited the Frog Princess and stole her crystal ball. Using it, they transformed Sophie into Cindy the Sorceress and gave her the most beautiful dress they could think of. Excited, Sophie rushed to the ball.
From there, she attracted everyone's attention. Her stepmother and stepsisters had come to the ball, all dressed up and beautified, but compared to Sophie, they looked like filthy beggars. On the bright side, none of them thought for a second that Cindy was Sophie.
However, jealous of how Sophie had captured the prince's heart, the three made another deal with the devil. Sophie had caught the prince's heart, but it had come at a great price...
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