👍 Pros: there's only 2, DMC characters and Music.
👎 Cons: I wanna say everything but I think for now it's still need improvement, maybe if the game still survive through p2w then we might get the game we deserve in the future.
🎮 Gameplay: combat is definitely NOT like DMC games because this game doesn't need skills to play. It needs MONEY to play. I've heard online that the older version Had Better Combat Style Like DMC, but that's the past version, not the current version. Disappointing :(
📖 Storyline: yea nope, no voice just some, the "auto walk to objective" function is ....., still need improvement.
🕹️ Controls: basic.... Well, the combat, the settings is too basic and need to add more stuff. I'm dissatisfied with the settings the most actually.
🎨 Graphics: I don't why but it looks old? Dunno why, probably because the game is on alternate timeline of something. It looks like DMC 3 graphics. But not like the newer DMC 5. Why??
🎵 Sound: The music great 👍
👥 Multiplayer: currently playing in EU server and on high level competition, sometimes lag and glitches but the bad things I experience is people just kept quiting the match. Why?? That's a sign of toxic behavior. Pls add penalty or ban system. Please 🙏.
🎬 Presentation: cool I guess.
💰 Value for Money: hell nah. This game is p2w. But if you really want to play the game then please be careful about spending money in this game.
🧐My opinion on the whole game: we'll, I've played the for a few weeks now and got to higher level. I experienced some glitches like "falling into the ground" and being stuck. The characters is what motivates me to play more but the p2w is what demotivated me. The big problem is the Pizza (the Stamina) in this game regenerate REALLY slow. Even if you bought pizza with money, it still won't be enough. BUT the pizza IS NEEDED to play the story which TAKES 30 PIZZA. I'm not joking. It's legit. The exchange (or the shop) the prices is ridiculously expensive. Sure if you're high level like me u can get the higher rewards but IT IS STILL NOT ENOUGH. Now back to gameplay experience, it's ok if you're a casual gacha player but if you're a DMC fans, you're gonna be disappointed with the combat, there's no challenge at all. It's just about " spend money, more power " now if you're a F2P then you're gonna suffer a lot.
If you're still gonna play the game, Please don't be careful on spending money on this game.
3/10 rating, good luck.
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