Fellow Degen here,
Hope I can breakdown the game in a way that allows you to know what you're getting into. I'll just list the different aspect of the game and the score is based on how well it executes it:
Progression: (4/5)
When starting the game getting to level 40 is your goal. It unlock every necessary feature to grind for S ranks. It should take 3~4 days. Reason I gave it a four is because you'll to be patient if you're f2p. Getting all the meta units, maxing units and SS rank up takes times. Prox(casual f2p), 2 weeks to level up, 2~3 months to SS and usually 2 months wait for next S rank to drop. So, you'll have plenty of time to grind gacha currency(black cards and event R&D tickets) to pity the upcoming S rank. Even if you don't max out your units immediately don't worry just complete your dailies(takes 5min), weekly(important, even if you get low score, just complete it) and events(extra gacha currency).
F2p... ness?:(5/5)
If you grind properly you should be able pity the upcoming S ranks and that's not considering if you get lucky but since you're f2p just know... Never pull with your black cards on the weapon banner, stock up on black cards and event R&D tickets(The orange tickets) these currencies are vital to getting the upcoming S ranks. Gacha is 100% guaranteed at a pity of 60 pulls with a S rank drop rate of 0.5% for the debate banner(once-off) then returns at a guarantee of 70% for the rate up character you want. Characters frequently return for you to pick them up if you need them or want them but you're going to have to pick between the latest unit or the unit you want. Note: 15 000BC is needed to pity.
Okay, without raiding Kuro Games d*** too much I got to say best combat period. If you're new to PGR, you're looking at the orbs over your basic attack button and it's weird or confusing, just know that that's going to be your source of Dopamine. So you've played your everyday normal hack and slash. You slap the boss, they slap back, you dodge, rinse and repeat. So, you're just sitting there maybe a little bored from repetitive combat. Well, PGR has implemented the ping system(orb system) to break up that repetitiveness. Basically basic attack enemies to gain random orbs, units typically have only 3 types of orbs, sort out your orbs to line up 3 of the same color orbs and press the set(called, 3 ping, for max dmg) or preform a matrix dodge(special evasion with cooldown) and the next set of 1~3 orbs you press is considered a 3 ping(max dmg skill). Now this layer of randomness is the fun part, you just don't know how the fight will go and that's not even considering the core passive. Core passive are special skills that can be proc'd by orb combinations, press and hold basic attack, 1st ult etc(it's not complicated when you play, it will come to you like it's second nature) so units have unique ways to do a lot of damage. So you can't just cheese your way through fights you have to master your unit and learn to optimize your pings  to control the fight and do a lot of damage. Confused? Good, download the game and test it.
Story:(3/5) oof...
First let me break it down, if this was a manga, I'd say the Genres are: Seinen, Sci-Fi, Harem, Horror, Space, adventure and Military. How am I asigning these genres? Basically off if the element(genre) has ever progresses the story the story in a meaningful way. So if you love those genre it's could be a fun read. The execution of the story leaves something to be had. In my experience, it's kinda like that one manga you promised yourself to read/finish but it got buried under other manga you more frequently read and as time passes you start to forget about it. There are definitely good parts of the story in there like the interlude being one of the places where you fall for your waifus but other then that the others stories kinda fail to get me excited about whats gonna happen next so the skip button starts to look more and more attractive and I'm sorry the story doesn't have a "payoff". I didn't put ecchi or romance for reason. The bond stories are lukewarm, the "fan-service" of this game is friendly gestures, no admission of romance, the best you'll get is a voice line that you're gonna have to make assumptions. So don't take your Schizophrenia pills if you're hoping to see a waifu or husbando. If she talks to you she basically wants to get married 👍.
This is just for budget players willing to spend that are curious. First let me preference, don't spend money you need or aren't comfortable spending. It's a game after all, the aim is to have fun and all content is free. Okay, PGR will give you a lot of bang for your buck, so if you want the latest S rank(one copy, free if you grind properly), signature weapon(6 star) and pet(some characters don't have a pet and you can just equip other pets even meta players do it depending the situation) you'll need to buy 3 things. Monthly A(30RC, RC=Rainbow Cards, premium currency), Battle Pass 1st tier: Encrypted Intel(30RC) & 2nd tier: Top-Secret Intel(68RC) which adds up to 128RC, costing $22 if you buy $20 bundle and 2 $1 bundles. Note that the monthly pass A always takes priority. Skins, most(like 80%) are grindable with dorm missions, the special ones usually cost $35(you'll have leftover rc) and on rare occasions around $100. It's just cosmetics so eh... Note: weapon banner isn't 100% guaranteed, Targeted weapon is 80% guaranteed at a pity of 30 pulls with a drop rate of 4%.
Overall: 8/10
Pretty good game. It's obviously not gonna be for everyone. PGR can be intense when you're looking for challenge. Some people prefer slow action games with simple combat that's okay but if it you're looking for a challenge this is a good game to start with. I do wish the story does better. Good writing is essential to creating waifus. The character design is amazing but the writing needs to take more risks, i can't go into details right here where the story can improve I'll save that for a survey if it's read.
Feel free to add more or corrections i overlooked.
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