Wuthering waves beta test review

So far, story telling is great and the characters have diverse personalities and unique looks.
Here are my concerns that needs fixing:
Graphics wise it's lacking on mobile, aswell as the optimization of performance... I'm using an 8 gen 2 device yet frames are constantly dropping from 60 to 50 in medium graphics and 40 on max... I also tried playing on 30 fps and max graphics but the graphics itself is not pleasing to look at (very pixelated low quality) compared to the likes of genshin which for me has a stable 58-59 consistency on max graphics and passable looking.
Invironments are also kinda lacking, as destroying boxes looks off...
Then there's the movement... it's fun and easy when you get the hang of it but annoying when you run into certain obstacles that get you stuck.
And also we need a log button for the dialogues as it's annoying to not be able to re read things if you miss it.
Some additions that would be cool:
•Useless but immersive would be sitting on chairs 🪑
•immersive random events in the world such a as suddenly getting ambushed by enemies
•some sort of reward or tokens for good morale when doing something morally good or picking morally good dialogue choices
•Npcs walking and doing stuff that isn't limited to towns or cities so the world doesn't feel dull and lifeless
Honorable mention: an anime girl with an ak-47
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mobile is mobile its not a pc so don't expect graphics that run like how it is on a high graphic card desktop cause it won't get that amount of it being that way
Hagata Nomura
Hagata Nomura
never said i wanted PC level graphics, I said I want it to be at least decent. much like how genshin is on max graphics on mobile.
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I totally agree with ya but as we know the game is still under development so they are definitely gonna improve these issues... I hope they don't rush the release and take their time improving the game... knowing kuro they might actually do it.. so yeah let's wait for the grand day we will actually be able to play the game....
Hagata Nomura
Hagata Nomura
yes, I'm well aware that it's in development stages. these are the problems I found in the beta test and I also hope they don't rush things or get pressured by the fans demanding a release.
It sad that I can’t download or play it it sad for me
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