Well, the game is decent. Graphics were good for my taste. But for the story itself, it doesn't pull me as much as I hoped for.
Also, the gameplay is repetitive (like most games are actually). But good thing is, if you got tired doing dailies or being busy, there's a wipeout feature so that's that.
My actual concern which lowers my rating actually was the clunky controls in-game. I mean, I am obviously used to characters attacking a certain direction they're facing like in auto-attacks and keep at it until you definitely change you're target. But in this one, no, it follows the same direction of the joystick. Making your character immediately face that direction to attack which to me feels very clunky. Also, it is annoying when dashing and fighting bosses too. If only that feature goes to the attack button and that will make sense. Also, idk why my game doesn't respond to presses at once. I mean, using skills, I need to tap several times just to activate them. Funny thing is, like I said, pressing skills are that bad, but pressing "tag" button, why is it, snappy quick to respond? I mean swapping out is good and needed at certain moments, how about the skills though? Why is the "tag" button so fast to respond than any other buttons? That's very very concerning about the gameplay. Because it doesn't matter to me how good the game looks visually when the one that is mostly affecting the game (which are the controls) are very bad.
If my network was the one affecting it, well, it must have been the latency. But if that's the case also, there's this game Pokemon Unite, where even if I am playing in Korean Server, I can still get my skill on time though. Why here it doesn't? I mean, it could be improved right?
If this problem is addressed, I'll truly appreciate it. This game still has potential and I'm willing to continue playing still. Hope this reaches the developers.
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