Boring, repetitive, login issues, Substandard Graphics.

Game is like any other Mmorpg on the Market, nothing that I saw stood out to be unique or was different about it, played the game for the day, quests were baseline boring & repetitive, tasks that are given were, go kill this number of beasts/monsters etc, in a repetitive fashion, & when you keep settings in game like auto travel, auto kill, etc available, the game itself becomes boring, & yes you may manually play, but is that worth it? Personally tried both ways, and still found it the same.. Graphics are not that great even at the highest settings, pretty substandard for a mobile game in 2024, that too when you advertise it to be better, made with Unreal engine 5, by far it looks like a game from 2019 at best. Leaving that aside, the worst part is waiting in Queue of several thousands of players just to login, takes 10-20 mins just waiting in game menu & wouldn't want to forget mentioning the 3rd party login Authenticator. I mean come on, who has that much of free time at hand just so we can login to a mobile game that isn't even good. Do you guys think this is some huge game franchise which has a committed fan base? many would not prefer to wait for a borderline bad mobile game like that. 1 star for false advertising about the game & making it worse even with UE 5. Uninstalled.
View the attached Screenshot & see how many players are in the login Queue!
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