🌊 Nautical Log of Captain Seidic 🚢 Ahoy, mates! Captain Seidic once more. Our traveler Sagomir, that horseman, claims to have laid eyes on equipment of mythic make, the likes of which none have seen afore. From what he says, there appear to be ten pieces in total: four that improve the attacks of their users, another four that serve as group support, and finally two defensive ones. Besides those above, he also mentioned that there will be five more Legendary sets. Those seem really powerful too, really. As if the expectation of new adventures across the seas wasn’t enough, these true treasures seem to be waiting for us! Captain Seidic, signing off. 🌊⚓️ 🚀 Dive Deep,Battle Peak! #dragonheir #dragonheirsilentgods #downloadnow 🔥 Download Dragonheir NOW:
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