👍 Pros: Very good story line.
👍 Pros: amazing charecters with unique kits and personalities which are often interacting amongst another.
👍 Pros: unique gameplay mechanics per region keeps each area fresh.
👍 Pros: frequently updates ( every 6 weeks on average).
👍 Pros: very vibrant and aesthetic art style which can be seen in the environment.
👍 Pros: localization of each region respective to their origin.(Mondstat=Germany,sumeru=Arabia&india/Pakistan)
👎 Cons: you will have to get used to having a 50% chance to lose all your premium currency as a free to play.
👎 Cons: expensive as heck.($600/maxed charecter if your lucky)
👎 Cons: little to no rewards 😔
👎 Cons: regenerative energy system(resin) has an absurdly low cap in respect to the luck involved in building a charecter.
if you only care for story please try it.but unless you can't play it regularly please save yourself.10/10 experience for me tho.
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