👍 Pros: There's some new features like heroes, events, effects, etc. Theres also some changes in gameplay like different maps, controls, etc. You can experience these before anyone else
👎 Cons: You can't recharge using vanguard coins, but worry not! You can exchange vanguard coins for diamonds in event > vanguard coins exchange. Sometimes the game is laggy and also there are some bugs that occurs.
🕹️ Controls: It's really nice for me! But if it's not your liking, you can customise the controls in settings.
🤼 Combat Mechanics: It's great! There are some new combat mechanics for revamped heroes, they also added some animation when recalling or sprinting.
🗺️ Map Design: Very nice! They added new maps and added details to some of it.
🎨 Graphics: It's nice, you can change and adjust the graphics in the settings if your CP is lagging.
👥 Multiplayer: Quite nice. I've made some new friends here, some players are nice and some players are harsh. Be careful, if you noticed a player trash talking or texting inappropriate things, report them quickly.
🏆 Achievements & Rewards: Moonton pls stop giving us magic dust🙁🙁
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