One last thing to do with T3

One thing I noticed in t3 is the lack of unified effort towards a single premier experience, you can play totally different games across casual, ranked and battle royale. The effort is scattered.
My proposal is making a single 5 v 5 game mode that can be played across ranked and casual and is the same in both, allowing devs to focus their effort and resources into a single premier experience that borrows from whats good from each of the current game modes.
Please take a look at this map, it is taken from Timi's Pokemon Unite, notice it has two lanes, each with 2 capture points and a central area or jungle.
Basically a 3v3 deathmatch map in the center (ideally with two or more levels/roofs) two lanes like the ones in push the cart at the sides with control point checkpoints, and a crystal assault base that must be exposed by advancing a lane to the final control point.
Two lanes with control checkpoints
To progress the lane you must capture the control points by depositing coins into them.
Kills and assist give the player coins, when a player dies drops the coins
Coins are only secured and become part of the team score only after being dropped on one of the control checkpoints.
The control checkpoints fades out after a number of coins has been dropped into it (0/100) which is the total score that checkpoint can award a team.
Similar to Royal Arena, the player can also collect coins around the map.
But the time is running out!
One of the pillars of this formula and why is so good for a mobile game is because time runs backwards from 9 minutes (a chronometer) if time runs out, the team with the better score (the more total dropped coins) wins.
When the final check point on one of the lanes is completed, it exposes a crystal assault crystal which can be destroyed to end the game before the time mark, the health missing from the crystal also counts as points for the team that damaged it in the case time runs out before the crystal can be destroyed.
As you can see this is only a blueprint. You are welcome to derive from it and change it.
For me this constitutes a perfect mix between following trends players are used to, using cool parts you already have (and are missing not being a part of ranked) and innovation.
I only hope it inspires you and gives you lots of wonderful ideas.
Mentioned games
It's a me Mabel!
It's a me Mabel!
IDK what to say so here's my comment
Dmyze Ktalyzt
Dmyze Ktalyzt
for game modes, they can also take inspiration from the myriad of game modes that CODM applied
My only opinion is for the to make more maps and characters that's it
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