T3 Arena Etiquette (Reasons You’re Getting Kicked)

There seems to be a few players that are having a hard time keeping in or finding a group. I completely understand the feeling. Here are a few reasons you might not be keeping or finding a squad.
1:) If you have never played a decent amount of casual matches with a group of people, don’t request to play ranked with them. They are going to think you suck, and want to get carried. Serious players take ranked seriously, they won’t risk placement on a random.
2:) Requesting to play 3v3 will get you left or booted in higher level lobbies unfortunately. The wait time is long, and there is no real benefit of playing the game mode. Most players nowadays are 5v5 or nothing.
3:) playing hero’s that are niche or playing hero’s that you’re not too familiar with in higher level lobbies is a quick way to get kicked. (Kazama, Sindri, Labula, etc. - basically anything that isn’t meta will have you on the chopping block).
4:) under performing, playing with players that think that they are the main character is a task within itself. If they don’t know you, they will use about two games to evaluate if you’re worthy to play with. Don’t take it personally, so people are just….like that.
5:) Some people use your rank as a worthiness gauge to play with you, even if you aren’t playing ranked. Don’t make the mistake of thinking ranked means anything, it doesn’t. Just keep trying to find a group that’s less judgmental and fun.
6:) You play to have fun, instead of playing to win. I’m not saying that that’s inherently a bad thing, but some players don’t enjoy that type of playstyle and approach.
Mentioned games
6. Right on! Win or lose the goal is either improvement or have fun
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F... me!Your avatar rocks!
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