👍 Pros:
- Nice graphics, nice scenery, I love the sky 😍
- Concept is unique, I love the combat system it's cool and dynamic
- Love the ambience, I noticed there's different sound for each character footsteps. Even the volume of the ambiance vary with the distance of surrounding.
- Very very generous gacha system (but I think this have a bad impact which makes me a little bit lazy to grind for gacha cause I know I will always get some rewards just by login)
- Love the puzzles, it's challenging✨
👎 Cons:
- The story is quite confusing for me, maybe it's because the term used is a bit advanced and the text is so small, I also have a little difficulties when the character talks while walking. I'm waiting for the story updates. I hope it gets better and easy to understand. 👍
- Like the warning says, the effects can trigger seizures. I can't play WuWa too long even though I already set the brightness and effect in low. I can't stand the flash light in combat, it really makes me dizzy, I can play 30 minutes most.
- I have bad hand at fighting games so the combat is a little difficult for me. I can't parry or evade precisely and it made me furious 😓. (It's just skill issue 😬)
- I have problems with remembering the character names, maybe because it sounds similar and the appearance also somewhat similar for me (moreover in low graphics).
- It's also a little difficult for me to find ingredients because it sometimes blends in with the surroundings.
- The text when acquiring ingredients sometimes got covered with my thumb so I don't know if I already acquire the ingredients or not. It makes me frequently checks the bag.
- Running and climbing is too fast paced for me. Jumping is also too high.
- Sometimes I got logged out and the game force closed on it's own. Maybe my phone is not compatible?? But even in my PC the FPS drop and sometimes force closed too. (I'm in SEA server)
Mentioned games
Stating skill issue related things as cons is just weird and not objective lmao
This was a nice, fun read! 💯 You noticed some stuff that Im pretty sure not a lot of people have noticed. Like the sound of the footsteps, for example. I never noticed that and I havent seen anyone mention it before. For your cons, a lot of the things you mentioned will become easier the more you play. For the evade & parry mechanics, you need to learn and remember your opponent's skills and how they execute them. For some people, it only takes a few battles to remember the patterns while for others, it might take several dozens of fights before they learn it. For the character names, Im pretty sure youre not alone. For me, its the characters with.... Chinese(?) names that I can never remember. The only names I remember are Encore (that li'l pink girl), Rover (The MCs) and my favorites (Who wouldnt remember the names of their favorite characters? 😆), which are Sanhua, Jinhsi and Camellya. For the ingredients on the ground like flowers, youll see a little light that blinks very slowly. After youve gathered said ingredient, the light will disappear. The appearance of the flower usually changes too after gathering it. Use those tricks if youre tired of always looking in your bag. Long story short, this is a single player game, so theres no need to rush. Take your time to learn how the game works. I would love to help you out, but unfortunately, Im on the America server. :(
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