This is like my 3rd review on a game on Taptap. To give some context I haven't used this app in like forever mainly because I got bored but came back and found this game. For what this game is, it's awesome.
The intro:
Beecarbonizer from now on I will call Carbonizer is a great puzzle "deck" building game. For what you get and what you pay ( nothing ) it's great. The game centers around you some way or another finding a way to solve climate change. The game get some getting used to because the worst part of this game is the tutorial. It's very hard to understand some most of the time your learning on the go.  There are 3 resources being " Resources" ( purple ) , "Man power" ( Orange ) and Science ( Blue ). As you build your world you must manage disasters and the ever building up carbon emissions bar. The high it grows the more problems you have until it reach full and your world collapses if you hadn't died anytime earlier.
The 4 categories are Industry and Environment with both reward resource , Society with rewards man power and Scientific study with gives science points. You use these resources to solve environment and social problems , offset disasters and upgrade cards to achieve a victory. You are given these 3 resources every period of time which can be manipulated per branch.
The only thing you start of with 1 card being 20th century industrial and build from there. Each card gives it's time cut to it's respective branch in its arrows in the bottom left card. Upward arrows decreased the time and doward arrows increased. On the bottom right side of a card you can see it's emitions added to brach. Negatives are good high numbers are bad.
The game:
The game is very fun especially in hardcore 🎮 Gameplay: mode. The game might sound complicated but after like 3 games you pick up very fast. I won my 3 game on standard mode like not to brag but I think I'm gift. The fun replay ability is the stress of resources management being spread so thin but barley escaping the hell hole made by achieving eco - symbiosis is just so enjoyable. There are 4 victories you can achieve respectable to each branch. The the most enjoyable part of the game is  search though the card skill tree to find a way out of the carbon disaster you made.  By far the easiest way to win is through the society brach with eco - symbiosis thats only brach I'll spoil because it's that easy. But to impose a self challenge try not to win through the society brach the game becomes so much more challenging. Speaking of challenging hardcore more is what you think it is, it's way harder. After winning your first game on standard difficulty and it adds some much more fun to the game
Disasters are timed event that are given at "random" or at "tipping points" when the carbon emissions bar reaches and pass a threshold you have to pay a huge cost to resolve the disaster of the rising emissions. I say that the disasters come at "random" is because the game can smell weakness. If you are having trouble solving 1 issue prepare to bombarded by like 3 at a time in hardcore mode. The role that disasters play in this game is a road block or sometimes a death. Like starving to death / Superbug virus cost a lot ( not starvation it's weirdly easy to solve ) adds so much tension l. Some disaster reward a solution and the most satisfying part of this game is solving disasters in a right order giving you resources to solve other diaster than in another way would not work.
This game runs really smoothly on my phone that. No complaints about the performance other than sometimes when you tab out the music breaks with sucks because the music is really nice and calming.
Carbonizer has a awesome art style. Even thought it's 2d game the "3d" carbon effecting being added emissions bar gives the game so much character and charm.
I give this game a 8/10 which is amazing score for such a small game.  The only thing I want more is a more extensive skill tree / more victories which could come in future updates if this game is still in development. Also new game mode / challenges would be a great addition. This game offers so much entertainment for it's pricing being nothing and having no adds for my 1 month of playing.  It's a great game and I heavily recommend try.
Thanks for reading this review
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