I have been playing since 2018 summer, it is one of the best rpg on mobile. There are many things to do. Devs also keep updating and adding new things every month. The game is completely free to play but need lots of grinding in late game to level up character slots. Although tana p(one of the developer) said that they will make leveling easier. There is also periodic Anime collaborations.
There is only one thing I hate about this game, which is biasness of Devs towards certain classes. Like two handed is suffering from Ampr, good dps skills but they keep updating katana with broken skills. All classes are free and can be selected since start but those who like certain class are going to suffer. Although they are still viable if you like their playstyle since every class can do 1M to 2M damage with cheap gears which is enough for long run. Will sucks for those who are trying to fast kill. Overall the game is good.
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Easily in my top 3 for mobile mmorpgs. Some say the graphics are dated, I disagree. Also you can't find this quality gameplay anywhere else on mobile.
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