this game is just.. cats these awesome goobers KILL EVERYTHING waifus are also there for your corn addiction! GAMBLING SYSTEM WE LOVE GAMBLING GUYS!!!! dis game good: *that was the pros now for the cons!*
cons: if you don't know wtf you're doing you gonna lose allat of resources treasure grinding! took me 3 weeks to get most of them if you hate repeating stages! then you should kinda go? idk, ponos company is in japan there is gaming laws there, and if you have an enemy that is very strong they make the units strong too then repeats the madness until you need specific units that are op as hell to finish some stages, this game is really time consuming so if you have freetime lots and when I mean lots? I MEAN A LOT you have to wait till midnight to get a true form for your units don't worry its just one unit, and there is all that I can say about this game
note: I got rid of some information if u wanna play it then go, cons are bigger than  the pros..... dayum that says a lot
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