Now I liked the game but it was buggy and glitchy as hell anyone that says this game is polished is a 💩 head and a liar. Now I gave this a 1* because the devs deleted my account, as well as many reviews I posted both negative and positive about this on the Playstore. Honestly at this point I don't care about my account being deleted after the lame actions they have taken against me, I would never wanna be apart of a of community with Dev's that abuse there authority like a child throwing a Tamper Tantrum over mere words. Now I already confirmed my accounts Deletion many times, and I am over it, I'm just saying my final Goodbyes though I enjoyed some parts of the game, sad I couldn't enjoy multiplayer since it was LOCKED behind a paywall but if I bought I just don't see the worth in it if there isn't many people on. It's called carmeet for a reason and they had the nerve to lock so many people out of it, I seen videos of it but there isn't enough. Anyways cya, I'm out of this trap
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