Wuthering waves Global release honest review!

Firstly thank you kuro games for making another banger, the developers have worked hard and us fans are very thankful.
I will review this as a person who thankfully had the luxury to play it with a decent 8Gen2 device so my experiences might differ from the people with mid range or lower devices.
I have played the game since release without a day missed and I'm at union level 37 as I'm typing this so my review is completely based off of my personal experience.
📖 Story:
The storyline, side quests, and animations have been a blast to watch/play and I was surprised to find that I've never really skipped dialogues from the main story or side quests so far. The story is clear with it's main point, plot, and objective.
The only problem I see is the English voice acting could use a rework, it lacks emotion and feels mediocre but no hate to the voice actors.
🎮 Gameplay:
Combat is quite similar to PGR with it's parry and dodging mechanics which is in my opinion the best thing about the game.
With the addition of the running on walls and grappling hook mechanics the game feels fast paced which is perfect for me.
🎨 Graphics:
I set mine to max graphics 60fps with no issues or frame drops but my main concern and from what I've seen a lot of people's concern is that the game even on the max graphics looks blurry. But knowing the game runs on unreal engine and that proves to be a pain to optimize for mobile I've gotta give the developers props for doing their best to make it playable and even fix issues with daily updates.
Environment, sky, buildings, night/day cycle all looks amazing for a mobile game but there's a sort of grim feeling from the world as if the it has a gray filter which I'm personally not a fan of.
🎵 Sound:
Fairly decent but lacks some depth and impact in boss fights and kind of becomes white noise after a while.
👘 Character designs:
The main character (Rover) looks like a generic MC but with his unique clothing style he stands out from said genericness.
Other characters have unique designs with a color Palette that suits their personalities which from a artistic view is a nice touch. As expected from the same creators of Punishing gray raven.
The Gacha has a 80 pity system for both weapon and character banners with character banners having a 60/40 chance to win the character displayed but the weapon banner has a 100% chance to be obtained after the 80 pity which is very good. The weapon banner also has a different pull currency from the character banners.
Echoes are basically your artifacts which will increase your stats after equipped. From what I can tell the boss type and elite type echoes  also have a pity system in which after killing them a few times and obtaining a set number of 4 stars you'll get a 5 star, but after leveling up your data bank level the percentage of getting a 5 star increases which just means the amount of 4 stars needed to be obtained before getting a 5 star is decreased but for common echoes it's randomized.
Great game, lots of boobas, cats and dogs are interact able 9.5/10 with minor problems here and there such as voice acting and blurry graphics but ultimately a fantastic game from a fantastic company.
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