The Anime "Lewd" Art Post Drama

You know, when I saw people complaining about seeing Porn on their feed, I thought they were being dead serious. I was befuddled as I had looked at my feed fairly often and saw nothing more than, at worst, anime game Girls in their underwear.
I come to find out, that is PRECISELY what they are talking about. The random anime girl pictures have a quite vibrant comment section of hate. Yet, it's not breaking any rules as far as I know, nothing actually contentious or worse than PG-13 is getting posted. Is the audience using TapTap particularly young or something?
If that's the case they shouldn't be using social media if they are not mature enough to handle the consequences of looking through a site that happens to feature content from games that are Teen rated or higher.
Instead of people wasting their time report spamming stuff that doesn't actually break rules (If it did, something would have been done by now), they need to either just ignore the posts and go about their day, mark them as not interested, or just stop looking at this app as a option for social interaction.
I think this section of report is there for a reason? so I will state some things one by one. It is true there is no pure nudity in any post, from what I see there is a lot of women with skin revealing cloth but with private parts covered. You said "nothing actually contentious or worse than PG-13 is getting posted." which I would disagree since many many games that are posted about have their age rating higher than 13+ so they have it at 16+ or 18+ which most of the time varies on the region but the point remains the same. and just to make sure I made an account which is set to born in 2019 and I am still able to see every game like any other age. This was the part with no moral to it just a privacy policy. Now you said "If that's the case they shouldn't be using social media if they are not mature enough to handle the consequences of looking through a site that happens to feature content from games that are Teen rated or higher." but Taptap is 13+ meaning if you are 13 or 14 you should have the access to TapTap unless a parent disagrees, and by that being known, that human will see a lot of posts about games which are 16+ or 18+ which shouldn't be viewed by people in his age. and since you took this to the moral side then I personally think that those people who post these stuff are bad. and let's throw away the facts which are this app being 13+. There is kids on this platform or there is a big chance that there is kids on this platform and those people still upload those things knowing that those kids could potentially see it, and in my opinion that is bad. Now here is some statements made by TapTap which are the community management rules basically. "On TapTap, sexual content refers to pornographic content and/or any content that may be intended to cause sexual arousal." which is obviously is in the Don't Do section. And notice at the end it said "May intended to cause sexual arousal." now what causes that? It's *Sexual suggestiveness* Definition: "Sexual suggestiveness is visual, verbal, written or behavioral material or action with sexual undertones implying sexual intent in order to provoke sexual arousal."-Wikipedia notice at the end? "sexual arousal." think of this as what you want but in my point of view I can gladly say TapTap's moderation is just bad.
People can get aroused by pretty much anything. Feet, collarbone, armpits... You name it. I even know someone who gets aroused just by looking at friggin' CARS! It really depends on where people come from, how they were raised and how they see things. Just think about it for a second: What exactly is the difference between a swimsuit and underwear? The answer is simple: There is NO DIFFERENCES! But for some people, seeing a woman in a swimsuit wont bother them but if they see that same woman in underwear, theyll find it arousing. Where I live, seeing people kiss in public is totally normal, while in some other countries, its seen as improper, even vulgar! A few days ago, I saw someone here post a picture of two female characters together and in the comments, people kept saying "Eww! Thats gross!" and "why do you post yuri stuff!?". The picture wasnt even ecchi! No kissing, nothing! The two female characters were simply looking at each other, sitting next to each other and stuff like that. See what Im getting at? Its impossible to not post something "lewd" since everyone see things differently.
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For real, some people are so offended at the very sight of a anime girl to the point they leave behind death threats and just casually say "kys"
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