Netflix : Braid - Bangwee Review

My Device📱: Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus 16GB RAM + 16GB VRAM
Braid is one of my favorite games. Long before it was released on Steam, I purchased it. I really enjoy the puzzles in this game, and if you are a star seeker, you will thoroughly enjoy the beauty of playing Braid. I hope that my favorite game will continue with its sequel, Braid 2.
Graphics: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Playing Braid on different platforms, the graphics remain consistent without noticeable differences in graphics and animations.
Sound Effects: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍
I genuinely appreciate the background music and sound effects in Braid as they bring back memories of when I used to play Braid. However, with the specifications of my smartphone, I sometimes encounter choppy music and sound effects, requiring me to restart and turn off the background music.
Gameplay: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍
If you have played Mario Bros, this game is somewhat similar, where you navigate like Mario Bros, search for a princess, own a castle, defeat enemies by stomping on them, and encounter pipes that spawn plants. However, in addition to these elements, you can manipulate time by rewinding or fast-forwarding to minimize mistakes.
Despite these positive aspects, the user interface controls can be disruptive while playing, allowing you to accidentally shift the interface menu even during gameplay.
Story: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
By solving all the puzzles, you will unravel everything, but without the stars, you will not discover the true story of this game.
Pros: - Now you can play Braid on your mobile device. - Stunning graphics and animations.
- Requires a Netflix account. - Not all devices can run this game. - Occasional choppiness during gameplay. - User interface controls need improvement. - Application sometimes prompts for frequent updates.
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