Wuthering Waves Game Review

So, Wuthering Waves, a game by Kuro released in May, 2024. I think it is a wonderful game. It has innovative combat in comparison to its “rival”, Genshin Impact by Hoyoverse, and it has riveting scenery and amazing character designs (let’s not forget the “jiggle physics” and Scar’s you-know-what). But it still has its Pros and Cons.
👍 Pros: As said previously, it has riveting scenery, similar level to that of Genshin, innovative combat, and character designs. The games combat is amazing, all character having different playstyles and roles within the party to allow for a variety of ways to build teams, and fight. It also has gorgeous scenery, rivaling that of Genshin, allowing for various ways to take pictures and explore. And, one last thing, you’re able to run up walls like, excuse me what?! 👎 Cons:  As for the cons, it has a lot of issues, given that it is a new game, I’ll cut it some slack. Anyways, there are various bugs, and the game crashes every once in a while (at least for me and I’ve seen a few YouTubers talk about this). Similarly, it also gets laggy now and then preventing and smooth playing experience. The game also has code showing in various areas instead of highlighting or bolding certain words. Moving on, the storyline drones on and lacks something to engage the player. The voice acting is okay (no hate to the VAs though) since some characters sound like they came straight out of a Zoom call.
This game is amazing for such a small company, and I think it has some real potential. It might have a bit of a way to go but I think it will be great. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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