That's Arena Breakout for ya...

This little video is just supposed to show how miserably bad Arena Breakout is. (At least for me.)
I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S23 in this clip, and to be completely honest, I've never experienced any other game with this atrocious of a "performance," if you can even call it that.
To summarize what's going on in the video:
I wanted to log into Arena Breakout (it always had TERRIBLE performance for me; the game always losing connection, the game telling me that my connection is poor - this game being the only one, mind you, that has a problem with my connection, every click that I made, every other menu that I opened requiring the game to load for a solid couple of seconds - this also means the game loading after I put any item from my storage into my inventory and vice versa which understandably made it extremely bad, a borderline unplayable experience. Gearing up often times took me more than three times as long as it took for me friends to be ready just because EVERYTHING LAGGED,
Anyways enough of that rant, but now you know what I mean with I had a BAD experience playing this game.
So after I tried logging in (I already entered the game the same day a few hours earlier but)
the game gave me the messages:
"Connection error. Please try again later" and "Server request timed out. Please try again later" on repeat.
And nothing I did could make the game work normally.
I tried my Wi-Fi, cellular connection, and my mother's Wi-Fi, uninstalling and reinstalling the game, restarting my phone, and clearing the game cache. Nothing worked.
Today, I finally got the game to LET ME LOG IN, but the video you're seeing is what I was greeted with.
That was the end of my, quite extensive, rant.
But I just needed to get this off my chest and let the world know because the poor game performance has been driving me nuts since I started playing, and I was met with deaf ears by the devs whenever I tried to reach out to them through their "support."
It was always the same copy paste response that tried to push the fault and responsibility onto me instead of actually adressing the issue and trying to fix it.
Well anyways, that's it from me for now,
-Michael out
Mentioned games
Update: Now I cannot get into the game anymore again lmao.
Found the same bug 😔. I found three golden lions and it just lagged the f up. lost over a Million of loot and my 300k gear setup 😢
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