Need recommendation for Beast support for Limbo/In General!

Topic! I am now full clearing limbo but for my Beast line ups they are struggling a little compared to my Mineral team (For obvious reasons lol). I'd like some of your recommendations on who I should invest more in to have as a permanent Beast Limbo member to clear Beast recommended fight a little bit easier or if my current slot is okay, or maybe someone that you've have really good success with that I should give a try to, or should I just say screw it and just use 6 lol. Picture related also! And I am quite aware of prydwen tier lists but please just humor me. Thank you in advance! Currently my Beast team is Centurion, D.F., MedPoc with Tennant as assist. I like Melania but I feel like I think I need P2 because if my Ulti isn't Critting then I feel like I am missing a lot of damage. Spathodea maybe but I think I am just not really understanding or using her kit properly (I also have Ulu but she is i0l1 but p4). For any other questions, please AMA! (:
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