I dont understand healers

there are 2 types of healer mains
healer main and neon one tricks
neon one tricks are good in this current met because of the fact that most heroes that are very, very good have the ability to dive or flank
plus with how strong aim assist is, snipers or those who have the ability to one shot are also very, very good and typically snipers tend to be away from the team setting up specific angles which neon can TP to at any time
And not to mention neon is the easiest healer to master
so when playing a in a competitive match neon is your go to healer
However, there are more healers than just neon so when playing at a team that doesn’t have those meta-characters or alot of dive characters please expand your choices then just neon because although she can be good in a brawl team since she does give good healing she will not get as much value as a Labula or a chemist in a brawl team
Although neon can be good and have good damage in a poke team she will not get as much value as a good iris on the same poke team
I am most likely completely wrong in these sense but my point still stands to play more healers than just neon they have interesting utility that can be used in very interesting ways whether that’s good or bad. Depends on the player please play other healers when the meta ppls are not being played
Mentioned games
The only reason many players caters towards healing intensive supports (Neon and Chemist) is because majority of the time there is only 1 dedicated support main or filler at worst so rather than getting others to adapt to low healing for utility, players just rely to the only support with healing equivalent to 2 support (and several safety wheels)
Chemist is fun too. She’s second best
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