Crash Bandicoot : The Wrath of Cortex #1 | Android_EMuPS2 ( Asus Rogphone6pro )

In a brand new space station, Doctor Neo Cortex argues alongside Uka Uka, N. Gin, N. Tropy, Tiny Tiger and Dingodile.  The evil sorcerer is terribly furious at the group's repeated past failures and orders a new plan to be devised.  The brilliant time lord accidentally reveals that Doctor Cortex, after his repeated defeats against Crash, has been working on a secret superweapon and the evil scientist, despite trying to deny it, is ultimately forced to admit it.  But he also reveals that the weapon is not yet ready since a source of energy capable of completing it is needed and here Uka Uka intervenes, advising to free the old elementals from eternal sleep.  Meanwhile, Crash, Coco, Pura and Aku Aku were enjoying a well-deserved holiday on an island, when suddenly environmental disasters occur: the tide rises, the sky becomes cloudy, a violent earthquake occurs and the volcano begins to erupt. .  Aku Aku, fearing the worst, teleports to a space temple where Uka Uka was and there he discovers what he had feared: the release of the four elemental masks Rok-Ko, Wa-Wa, Py-Ro and Lo-Lo, ready to destroy the planet and power the new secret super weapon.  Desperate, Aku Aku immediately runs into the bandicoot house and warns Crash and Coco of the danger.  Sweet Coco, however, proposes a remedy for this and that is her Teleportation Machine, with which they will have to go to different corners of the planet and recover the ancient crystals.
By AlessiaBNERD
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