Blown away that they are saying it's not pay 2 win. Even if you go on discord and ask a moderator they will say it's not p2w. It most certainly is. I recommend you do a search on tarisland p2w and you will get plenty of videos explaining how bad it is. The gameplay was okay. I think the graphics were fine. It gave off good vibes buuuuuuuut no where near I mean not even remotely good enough to warrant playing considering p2w. If it wasn't id sink in a few weeks at most maybe come back tomento time play some bgs and do newer raids.
Mentioned games
ad Boo Radley
ad Boo Radley
you heard seasonal and thought APRG and not World of Warcraft, that game that's it's replacing in. China with MMO Seasonal Content. lol.
Many bunch of fking idiots. Pay to progress not pay2win. And seriously if you are one of the people who expect game company to make money only by selling skins go kill yourself. They need money to run the company and pay staff and provide updates for the game
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and because of people like you, the game's rating is lower, which makes others look differently. Are you having a problem with the game? it doesn't turn on for you? do you have a lot of bugs? (you don't have it) so you give it one star just because you think it's a game is there pay to win?
Ricardo Santiago
Ricardo Santiago
If you have a very concise definition of p2w please list it and state how this doesn't go agaisnt that definition. At very best by a huge stretch you could argue it's pay for convenience which simply isn't true. There's 3 youtubers I had been following who have played since cb and alpha and initially the p2w plans were way worse they changed it but in general they all agreed it's still p2w as fuck. It has bad reviews because many people think it's pay 2 win and it's simply a mediocre game. Lost Ark was more p2w than this and still had good reviews because the gameplay was fantastic. This is too mediocre to warrant the same treatment. I gave many points as to why it is and thus far everyone who has responded has made 0. Have some self respect and maybe devs will start making good games. If you conform to trash they will continue to feed it to you. if you enjoy the game good for you.
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if mounts and skins is p2w...good luck, guy
Ricardo Santiago
Ricardo Santiago
If you aren't educated on a subject matter you should probably not make a comment on it. The system is similar to lost ark. Though they no longer allow you to out right trade premium currency for in game currency and buy the best armor you can still buy gems that raise gear score similar to diablo immortal, you can also use the same method for gear stat transfers, in addition to this even if you do grind for the best sets they will be seasonal and you will always lose out to players that swipe and get way ahead of you with every single new bit of content. They have equalized gear arenas, but bgs you can p2w to get the beet gear much quicker than others. Plus there are numerous ways to exploit some of these variables to accelerate progress more. So yeah in other words you are a clown.
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its P2W and boring af.
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