Talking about the state of aster tatariqus in right now

Alright, so before explaining further I will state the conclusion in here. Aster tatariqus is facing a big lost of incoming since release.
So, aster tatariqus is losing over 5900 million(59億円) as total over their release. Despite having many collabs, they were making a little income. Gumi also decided to take over from studio FgG(currently aster tatariqus dev team). Studio FgG has over 80 people in their team while they developed aster tatariqus, and Gumi planned to take over studio FgG and replace it with their team.
In report, Gumi reported that they made a decent income in their blockchain platform rather than game section. They are planning to lay low after they take over aster tatariqus to turn around the lost into stable income.
Well, there are a reason why I wrote this article. I love SRPG game. I played aster tatariqus over a month ago, and I decided to download it again. But before I went back playing, I checked in youtube if there are some news. I found a video explaining that aster tatariqus is facing a large sum of lost.
This is a news article to explain to global side about what is happening in japan side. I hope I can deliver the news well. I am sorry for any translation error, some grammar error or some misinformation if there is any.
I put all reference that I used in this last section
Mentioned games

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