I think this is a really fun game to play! There's lots of players and they even have players going back to the 1970s or so which I think is really cool. I wish though that it was easier to get my club coins without buying them, because I don't buy them so it is sometimes hard for me to get a lot of coins.
Another thing I would change would be to make it easier to get iconic moments because sometimes you'll spend all those coins that are really hard to get without buying them on an iconic moment series pack and then you'll just get nothing but silver balls and maybe one black ball. So please change that about the game and make it easier to get iconic moments. Another thing that I hope you can change about the game is the referee system. I hope you can make it so that there are linesman and a referee on the field. So if you can make it so that it is easier to get my club coins and easier to get iconic moments this game will be the most perfect game ever and it's already amazing so if you could just do those two things, make it easier to get iconic moments and easier to get my club coins that would be awesome! And maybe the referee system would be nice. So if you're reading this and you do those things thank you so so so so so much!
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