it's actually good, but most of these "reviewers" haven't played beyond the tutorial lol

Its essentially a Chinese WoW. If that sounds bad, you won't like it. If you don't care it'll be a good experience.
Releasing the same day as the long awaited Elden Ring DLC was the dumbest thing I've heard in a while (even FFXIV pushed back for it). Some of the outrage/anger towards the game is kind of funny. The voice lines could be better mixed with the ambience and music. At times stuttering frame rate in highly dense and populated areas.
Seasonal Content. Obviously not like an ARPG. Considering this game was made to replace WoW in China it'll use a similar seasonal set up (oh wow shocking).
Graphics are extremely polished and look dazzling in the 4k set up. Environments and mounts look absolutely spectacular. The dungeons are raids are legitimately very enjoyable. Combat is smooth. The combo system is a breath of fresh air for this style of tab target. Map seems to be fairly massive.
"There's no depth to skills" is hilarious because it shows people clearly haven't played beyond the first few minutes. Every character has a dual talent tree that greatly alters the available skills for every class.
After immense backlash during the last CBT, the company actually listened to people like Spid. Most of the prominent p2w features were revoked. Special gear sets went from real cash to achievement based. Always nice to see.
If you have a gaming PC, why are you playing this? Go play FF XIV or WoW or ESO or something. For a mobile device? This absolutely blows every other viable option for MMO out of the water. Que sera, sera. Don't let some 17 year old who clearly hasn't played the game tell you it's a 1/5 lol.
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