HUH?????????? Korea server gone???!!! Global server is my new friend????!!!!!

I missed this game SOOOO much \(^=u=^)/ !!!!!!!! But after I finally got to update it, I haven't been able to find the Korea-3 server that I played on, just the one (in screenshot 4) as well as getting these very strange "patch notes" (screenshots 2/3).
I ran the notes through Pleco translator and they still don't make any sense (in the game's context at least).
The problem here is that I can't access Korea-3 so I have to either create a new account for the Global server, and start all over again, or wait for the Korea server which may never come back. Is there anyone here who still has access to Korea-3 server? And if so, how can I get to it? Any help would be appreciated
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Iqram arrahman Candra
Iqram arrahman Candra
I seems get a little issue here, I'm stuck at the loading after logging in
I wouldn't know how to help you friend, I joined the game but they don't appear either, you would have to wait for the Korea-3 servers to come back and if they don't come back you will have to create a new account
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