Atomic heart is a game that delivers on its charm and chaotic fun
🎮 Gameplay: A first person shooter with sporting guns almost every fps game has, like a standard handgun, but that's not all as, players also get the chance to atain and craft various other weapons, granted they have the materials and blueprints needed, that can be found in the world.
All weapons can be upgrade with stronger parts. During enemencounters players can equip attachments to their weapon/s of choice, these attachments allow players to use elemental effects suited for defeating certain enemies, like fire, ice, and electricity.
Players are also granted a glove that has the ability to scan through walls and environments allowing players to see enemies and  the location of treasures behind corners, in ther rooms or even underground at times
📖 Storyline: The storyline is rather simple, with the overall plot being,"catch the bad guy". (Sorry no spoilers)
The story is the main thing driving the games progression.
At certain points the player will be given the opportunity to freeroam the outside world and face-off with different enemies, find secrets and admire the beautiful Russian Cyberpunk-esk architecture designed by the dev's.
🕹️ Controls: The controls are tailored to both controller and keyboard.
There is no option for custom button mapping.
The controls are very responsive with no amount of input lag.
🎨 Graphics: The game boasts a realistic style with no type of cartoon-like shading.
While the graphics aren't anything to ride home about, the game more than makes up with this, by its impressive art direction, everything from the enemy designs to the security camera tunnel view comes, all look unique. The Russin cyberpunk-esk designs are really awe inspiring, and both indoor and outdoor environments always have something pretty to catch your attention
🎵 Sound: Sound design in the game, is really clear and crisp, a player will be able to tell if an enemy behind them is about to strike or just how much water is filled within their ears
The music on the other hand is just as exceptional as the art style, as many of the songs are rock versions of popular Russian songs, or cyberpunk like calming tunes that will play in menus or safe areas
👥 Multiplayer: None
🎬 Presentation: The cutscenes have a unique cinimatic feel to them, and a lot of the time smoothly shift from the players POV, to a more wider shot. There's a dark undertone of mystery and horror elements that will leave the player interested in finding out more about the other characters involved in the game's  story and their role
👍 Pros: Good gameplay, fun mechanics, outstanding artstyle and sound design
👎 Cons: a somewhat predictable story carried by the games presentation.
Mentioned games
no problem, xbox has made custom controllers for that kind of disability
I can play this game one handed
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