In my opinion it's a great game, an old fashioned mmo with beautiful graphics, the gameplay is fun as is teamwork with other players to complete dungeons and face bosses. There are two classes on which you can choose the gender of the character and in the future they will give this choice option for all classes by eliminating the gender lock. The outfits currently present are very nice but for greater immersion and customization we also hope that regular armor and weapons found throughout the game can be seen worn on the character. The little customization of the character and the weapons and armor all a bit the same (at least for now that I'm lvl 30) are the only flaw that make me give one star less, but the game as a whole is very very good . I recommend downloading it and trying it until the end of the first chapter of the story to understand if it is to your taste. P.S. : you need a phone with at least 6GB of RAM and a good processor to make it run decently, with 8GB you can fully enjoy it, furthermore with the many graphics options available it is possible if you need to reduce the heating of the battery if you tinker with it a little. 👏👍
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